I am a member of the Penwith Photographic Group in West Cornwall. PPG's winter program includes an internal competition and I was delighted to be the overall winner in 2021/22. Below are my entered images along with the judged score, which are marks out of 15

Dinas Head - Score 14

Offering to the Heavens - Score 14

Bracelet Bay - Score 13

The Lifeboat house - Score 15

The Pier - Score 15

Quarry Sunrise - Score 14

Castle Sunrise - Score 14

Moonrise - Score 13

Falls to Buachaille - Score 15

Lagangarbh Rapids - Score 15

Clavell Ledge Sunset - Score 15

Bamburgh Sunset - Score 14

Wareham Quay Sunrise - Score 14

Dorset Groyne - Score 12